When You Butcher the Reputation of Another

Have you ever met someone that was hurting so much emotionally that they were a bit delusional?

These people spout and spew negativity and bitterness in every direction. In the process they slander the reputations of others. They falsely accuse folks as they exert their viewpoint upon anyone who will listen.

What of someone like this? What price do they pay for their deed?

First, realize that these folks absolutely believe what they are saying. Often they are simply misguided and un-informed. Because they speak from a position of hurt, they view everything through a dirty filter – a filter of pain. Since they start with a lie, all assumptions that follow spring from that lie and are probably also going to be lies. These folks believe it all.

Next, realize that there is a heavy price to be paid for those who live like this.

He that hideth hatred with lying lips, and he that uttereth a slander, is a fool.
Proverbs 10:18

These folks suffer a loss of reputation. They look foolish to those who know the truth because they are seen as liars. People may not want to associate with these folks because they know that they could be the next victim. All the while, these folks do not have a clue they are thought of so poorly. They may even wonder why they have few if any real friends.

A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.
Proverbs 18:24

Friendships must be cultivated, tended, and grown. They form and grow out of love. When you are hurt, if you talk bad about another you may regret it later. When we are hurting it is easy to make assumptions and to get things wrong.

Hopefully, you don’t know too many folks who are as extreme as the person in my opening example. They do, however, exist. I have met a few myself. The more they hurt emotionally, the more extreme they become. Out of that grows the lies they tell themselves and others.

He that hath knowledge spareth his words: and a man of understanding is of an excellent spirit. Even a fool, when he holdeth his peace, is counted wise: and he that shutteth his lips is esteemed a man of understanding.
Proverbs 17:27-28

Sometimes knowing when to keep our mouth shut can be a blessing. You may be the person hurting, you may be the person who endured the babbling of the hurting person, or you may be a bystander shaking your head because all the while you know the truth.

Before you jump in to set the record straight or enlighten the world, pray.


Today’s challenge is twofold.

First, ask God to help you to extend grace to those you know that are hurting and lashing out at others through assumptions and false accusations. Ask God to show you if you need to address the situation or leave it to another. Also, ask God to help you resist participating in the spread of the accusations. Some things are better left to die as opposed to being discussed. Pray for wisdom to know the difference.

Second, ask God to open your eyes to the truth about you. Ask God to show you if you have assumed things about others because you had hurt feelings. Feelings can be blinding.