by Jean A Sturgill | Business Challenges, Marriage, Family & Relationships, The Body of Christ
Create the Synergy – Not too many years ago, I decided to invest my time and resources in helping someone. It was something that I was led by the Lord to do. Although God had shown me that the answers that I needed to go forward in my business would be in the...
by Jean A Sturgill | Business Challenges, Marriage, Family & Relationships, The Body of Christ
Be Willing to Offer Help – None of us mind offering help to a point, but what happens when you hit that point? Do you feel like an enabler? Do you feel used? Do you want to run? Or, do you feel like helping that other person out until the task is complete? What...
by Jean A Sturgill | Learning to Walk
Interdependency is neither dependency nor independency. It’s neither a full reliance on self nor a full reliance on others. It is, however, a mutual back and forth. Sometimes the result is something that neither person could do or benefit from alone. Ideally, and in...
by Jean A Sturgill | Business Challenges, Marriage, Family & Relationships, The Body of Christ
Act When You Are Motivated! – Have you heard strike when the iron is hot? That desire we spoke of (Part 2) is motivating. When you want something a lot, you are more likely to take the steps to get it. Motivation changes our thinking into doing. It creates focus...