by Jean A Sturgill | Learning to Walk
Have you ever felt like you were reliving a scene from your past? It can actually be a lot more fun or at least more interesting the second time through. Of course, we do not actually relive any moment in time. Occasionally, the circumstances of a situation will have...
by Jean A Sturgill | Fundamentals, Learning to Walk, The Body of Christ
Have you ever talked with someone that pulled one verse or one word in one verse and built a theology around it? I have. They took something out of context and tried to expound upon it in a way that went away from scripture. They forced scripture to support their...
by Jean A Sturgill | Learning to Walk, Marriage, Family & Relationships, The Body of Christ
We wanted to reclaim a section of the backyard. Blackberry vines, wisteria, and weeds had all become overgrown. The boys cleared a line down the side of the yard. Since that was where many of the long vines had their roots, it proved to be a very effective way to...
by Jean A Sturgill | Learning to Walk, The Body of Christ
How often have you heard, “I’m saved. Why do I have all these troubles in my life?” That’s a good question isn’t it? Perhaps the answer lies in your understanding of salvation. Some folks would have you to believe that when you are saved you have everything you want...