by Jean A Sturgill | Business Challenges, Learning to Walk, The Body of Christ
I praise God when He brings me doors of opportunity. I enjoy every minute of the challenge. Indeed, He has brought me many wonderful experiences. But, sooner or later, all good things must come to an end. Often, that has been a very hard adjustment for me. How about...
by Jean A Sturgill | The Body of Christ
When I was young, I didn’t know much about making friends. I had lots of opportunities. I felt like the new kid on the block quite often. And, that’s probably because I was. Have you ever had struggles with people? I went to kindergarten at one school. I went to first...
by Jean A Sturgill | Fundamentals, National Concerns
Have you ever stopped to think how blessed we are to live in a country where we have so many freedoms? Americans are among the freest of all people in the world. Have you ever considered why that is? We know that most of our Founders were Christians, and our country...
by Jean A Sturgill | Learning to Walk
Have you ever found yourself asking God to forgive you again and again for the same sin? Whatever the sin was, you just could not seem to be able to stop yourself from repeating it. Perhaps you even went to the altar week after week and attempted to make it right with...