Do You Prepare?

I went to a meeting, and I carried my laptop. Fortunately, before I left home I had opened all the Internet pages I wanted to share as part of my presentation because my Internet connection ceased to cooperate when I got to the meeting. Later in the day, all the email...

Go Ahead, Jump Out of Your Comfort Zone!

Everyone likes to work within his or her comfort zone. It’s easy. It’s safe. You won’t fall on your face! You don’t have to learn anything. You also won’t grow. You won’t grow in skills. You won’t learn anything new. You won’t grow spiritually. When God pulls you out...

God’s Love in a Rainbow

As the water fell gently from the spray nozzle, the sunlight danced upon the individual streams and revealed a rainbow. Individual bands of red, yellow, and blue could easily be seen in the water just as God sets His rainbow in the sky after it rains. When’s the last...