by Jean A Sturgill | Learning to Walk, National Concerns, The Body of Christ
On September 28, 2011, Fox News had a report about a teacher who banned students from saying, “Bless you.” The teacher took 25 points off one student’s grade. He claimed it wasn’t about religion. He said it was about being disruptive. When you hear a report like this,...
by Jean A Sturgill | Business Challenges, Learning to Walk
I love to hear how people achieve great things, and what they think about it all when they’ve made it to the top of the ladder. Do they give God the credit for opening the door for them? Did they get where they are by doing the right thing? Do they have any regrets?...
by Jean A Sturgill | Learning to Walk, The Body of Christ
Do you have friends that seem to be repeatedly hurt by things that would not matter at all to you? Perhaps they ask you if they hurt your feelings. Perhaps they tell you of others who have hurt their feelings. You may have even tried to tell them that it was nothing...
by Jean A Sturgill | Fundamentals, Learning to Walk, Marriage, Family & Relationships, National Concerns, The Body of Christ
If someone mistreats you, whose fault is that? Yours? Theirs? Or, someone else’s? If someone asks you to do something wrong and you do it, whose fault is it? Is it yours? Is it theirs? Or, is it someone else’s? These are not a hard questions, but it would surprise you...