by Jean A Sturgill | Fundamentals, Learning to Walk, National Concerns, The Body of Christ
Did he misspeak or did he lie? Honestly, we all misspeak from time to time. When we realize it, we have the opportunity to own up to it. Some folks however make an art of misspeaking. The false argument can be used to mislead folks because the logic is all there. The...
by Jean A Sturgill | Learning to Walk, National Concerns
Protestors waved signs on Wall Street. When asked why they were there, they did not articulate any particular one reason. Each person asked gave a part of a reason. None of those reasons really seemed connected. One would have to wonder if they are just protesting to...
by Jean A Sturgill | Fundamentals, Learning to Walk, The Body of Christ
Each of us conforms our surroundings to ourselves or ourselves to our surroundings. We say that people are influenced by their environment. We say that people are a good or bad influence on each other. We say that people can adapt to what is going on around them. When...
by Jean A Sturgill | Fundamentals, Learning to Walk, The Body of Christ
Sooner or later, if you live long enough, you’ll have to face personal failure or some other incident that brings you face to face with an unusual moment of clarity. This is the point at which many a lost person will turn to God, and many a backslidden Christian...