by Jean A Sturgill | Fundamentals, Learning to Walk, National Concerns
I am not sure who first said it. Several folks have been given the credit for saying it. Have you ever heard the definition of insanity? It’s doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. When it comes to Israel, I think the world is a bit...
by Jean A Sturgill | Fundamentals, The Body of Christ
Have you ever seen folks that never do anything for the Lord? Some of those folks are probably doing a lot of stuff that you do not know about. Have you ever met folks that think giving money is enough? They let others do the rest. Does God have your heart, or just...
by Jean A Sturgill | Fundamentals, Marriage, Family & Relationships
Have you ever had a friend turn from God? Have you noticed how they behave? Sometimes they won’t tell you. Sometimes they go out of their way to avoid you! How do you respond to the situation? How should you respond? Reminder, this week we are in 1 Samuel 15. Over the...
by Jean A Sturgill | Fundamentals, Learning to Walk
Have you ever been faced with a decision but found yourself slow to get off the fence? You just could not take the action required of you for whatever reason. Perhaps you sought God’s will, but you still found yourself doing your own thing or nothing. Do you ever...
by Jean A Sturgill | Fundamentals, National Concerns
Have you ever stopped to consider why celebrations and history that used to be God-focused are now not God-focused? I think it is because we do not connect the where we are with how we got here. We’ve forgotten or simply not thought about what God did for us. Are you...
by Jean A Sturgill | Fundamentals, The Body of Christ
Do you remember the song, Onward, Christian Soldiers? I used to play a level 1 version of that song on the piano. The third verse is: Like a mighty army moves the church of God; brothers, we are treading where the saints have trod. We are not divided, all one body we,...