by Jean A Sturgill | Business Challenges, Learning to Walk
I used to wish that God would give me a sign. The sign I wanted Him to give me would have been as big as a billboard. I truly wanted to hear Him speak. I went seeking His voice. Do you seek the voice of God? When I was growing up, ESP and a 6th sense were hot topics....
by Jean A Sturgill | Learning to Walk, Marriage, Family & Relationships, The Body of Christ
I remember a time in my life when I felt free to do things my way. Honestly, I did not always make very good choices. I take that back. I made some really bad choices. God chastens His children. I don’t much like to be chastened, but I got the message. The message...
by Jean A Sturgill | Learning to Walk, Marriage, Family & Relationships
When I was in college, I took a couple of semesters of pottery. I loved to work at the wheel. If you have ever done that, you may like thinking of God as the Master Potter. Have you ever really thought about the process of making clay into a useful vessel? Pottery was...
by Jean A Sturgill | Fundamentals, Learning to Walk
When I was younger, time alone meant time being lonely. Then the boys came along. While we were raising the boys, I did not have much time alone. As I have gotten older, I have found that I love to spend my alone time with the Lord, and as the boys have gotten older,...
by Jean A Sturgill | Fundamentals, Learning to Walk, Marriage, Family & Relationships, National Concerns, The Body of Christ
When I was younger, I was interested in my horoscope. I wanted to know more about the paranormal and ghosts. I was interested in E.S.P. I think I knew which line was considered a lifeline in my palm. I thought things concerning the occult were pretty interesting until...
by Jean A Sturgill | Business Challenges, Learning to Walk, Marriage, Family & Relationships, National Concerns, The Body of Christ
How important is encouragement to you? If everything is going your way, you may not give it much thought. What about when things don’t go your way? What about those around you? Encouragement can actually make quite a difference for the folks in your life. It can...