Success: Are You Willing? (Part 2)
Realize Necessity! - It’s been said that a salesperson learns to sell when they get hungry. With hunger comes the need to make money – rather, to sell. Necessity or need often fuels desire, and desire fuels success. Think about it. It’s a whole lot easier to be...
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Maybe you know what you need to do to be successful. Maybe you know how to do it. (If not, you can certainly find out!) The question then becomes, “Will you do it?” Most people won’t. Sometimes the investment is more than we are willing to risk. Sometimes we hesitate...
read morePreparing Mentally for Success (Part 3)
The Role of Love - Love plays a key role in being mentally prepared for success. You must love what you are doing. You must love others. And you must love yourself. Duh! But let’s really take a closer look at what I just said. There’s a lot more to it than you might...
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The Role of Faith - When it comes to preparing mentally for success, the role of faith cannot be understated. For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7 You may be thinking, “What does fear have to do...
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Want to be more successful at what God has planned for you? Want to stand before Him and hear, “Well done faithful servant!” Or, do you simply want to enjoy His blessings more? God does have a plan for your life, and you won’t feel truly successful until you yield to...
read moreThe Million $ Dream (Part 3)
The Possibility of Achieving The Dream - Whose dream is it anyway? The only dream that you want to achieve is the plan that God has for your life. You really don’t want the dream that is merely your dream, and you especially don’t want the dream someone else has for...
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The Challenge of Achieving The Dream - Sometimes we act as if achieving the dream is the end result. What if it is only a plateau to other things? Those things could be more dreams and more achievements for God. However, the road to achieving the dream could be lined...
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I had an expensive dream years ago. No, it wasn’t a million dollar dream; it involved a lot more money that that. Is it still my dream? Maybe, but I have exchanged it, at least temporarily, for another dream. This one is closer to a million dollars. It’s not cash that...
read moreThe 10 Commandments of Business (Part 3)
Honor Your Relationship to Your Business - It might sound strange to talk about honoring your relationship to your business, but think about it. When you started your business, or even if you took a job, there was a certain amount of commitment you made initially with...
read moreThe 10 Commandments of Business (Part 2)
Honor Your Family and Friends - 5. Honor your parents, family, and friends Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee. Exodus 20:12 It’s easy to get so busy in your business that you forget to honor...
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