How Deep Is Your Faith?
Have you ever doubted if you are saved even though you accepted Jesus as Savior and made that commitment to follow Him? Perhaps the doubt is more about you than about Jesus. I used to have a hard time forgiving myself. Hence, I had a hard time believing that God could...
read moreWhy Do We Serve?
Do you serve Jesus because you want to serve or because you have to serve? Do you think you are working off a debt, paying part of your way to heaven, or something else? How you answer these questions determines which Jesus you serve. Consider the motive of the rich...
read moreHave a Better Marriage!
A long time ago and when I was in the habit of choosing poorly, I took note of the relationship of a co-worker and her husband. He was very kind, thoughtful, and sweet to her. At the time, I was not in a relationship like that. As a matter-of-fact, the relationship...
read moreWould You Like to Escape the Wrath of God?
Everyone wants to talk about God’s love. No one wants to talk about His wrath. I wonder how many “hell, fire, and brimstone” messages brought folks to God? Think about it. If you don’t know or believe there is a hell, why would you give much thought about heaven?...
read moreA Culture of Fear
We have all had times in our life when we were afraid if only on a tiny level. We may have been afraid of running out of gas in an unfamiliar part of town, or we may have been afraid of that bump we heard in the night. More and more though, we are living in a culture...
read moreThought for Thought, or Word for Word?
Robbie came through the den in a very conversational, talkative mood today. He usually talks a little, but today he just had more that he wanted to share than usual. I stopped what I was doing, left my desk, and took a seat on the sofa to listen to him. Since I love...
read moreGet Excited About What God Asks You to Do!
Do you remember seeing cartoons where one character did not want to do something and began to cling to doorways and anything else close by? The other character had a fight on his hands to get the job done. A lack of cooperation and motivation made the task so much...
read moreGod Saw It! I Promise He Did!
“Bless’em, bless’em, bless’em!” That was my response when discussing an enemy with a friend of mine a few years back. It elicited a chuckled. If you have people troubles, I want you to give a great deal of thought to what I’m going to tell you. You might be amazed at...
read moreChristians Are to Avoid Mediums, Séances
When I was a teenager and on up into my early 20s, I was so interested in the paranormal or metaphysical. I read lots about it all. I was intrigued by anything mystical that we cannot easily explain. I understand the attraction others may have to talking to the dead...
read moreFaith: A Fruit of the Spirit – What Else About It?
Sometimes when I read the same passage of scripture that I have read many times before, I will see something different. Such it is with the verses on the fruit of the Spirit. When I think about the fruit of the Spirit, I tend to think about love, joy, peace and some...
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