Have you ever tried to look up something in the Bible because you thought it said one thing, but when you found the verse and read it, you realized it said another? Have you ever had a conversation with someone that used the reasoning that times have changed since God gave us the Bible, therefore parts of it do not apply today?
Do you agree with the Bible just as long as it says what you want it to say? Do you ask around until you find someone that will agree with you about what it says? When you don’t know what it says, do you resort to what feels right to you – your feelings?
Recently, I was discussing scripture with someone who I don’t think liked the last half of a verse. The first half seemed to be the focus of the conversation. The first half was the only half discussed. Although I brought up the second half, the focus returned to the first half.
Honestly, in the past when I wanted to ignore what was in scripture it was because I did not like what it said. I wanted to argue with it. Ultimately, I was of course in the wrong.
When it comes to scripture, you must believe that all scripture is true and the inspired Word of God, or you must believe that none of it is true.
All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.
2 Timothy 3:16-17
If you want to pick and choose, how would you choose? How would you know you were right? How would you know which part? Could you always count on yourself to guess right? Perhaps you’d choose to believe only the part that you like at that moment in time?
Scripture is not meant to be pulled apart into each individual verse and served à la carte.
For those who choose to believe that times have changed and therefore the Bible is not relevant any more, I urge you to consider the following verse.
Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever. Be not carried about with divers and strange doctrines. For it is a good thing that the heart be established with grace; not with meats, which have not profited them that have been occupied therein.
Hebrews 13:8-9
Jesus does not change. God gave you His Word that you may know for yourself what is in scripture. I urge you to not rely on the whimsical opinions of others. I urge you not to rely on your own feelings. I urge you to seek the truth, find it, and walk in the light.
If you are taking someone else’s word for what scripture says, again I don’t recommend that you do that. I do recommend that you read it for yourself and pray over it. I also recommend that you check the verses and passages in a good Bible commentary – or even several good commentaries. The older more reputable commentaries will often tell you when the scholars have differing understandings of the passage and why.
Not all the scholars agree on every passage, but the reputable ones do have the background to tell you why they think what they do.